Search results

  1. J

    Liveaquira Group Buy

    Anyone interested in buying some livestock? I can make the purchase but hoping to keep it below 200. I am hoping to make the purchase on Friday to have them arrive on Saturday.
  2. J

    Emergency 15G RO water needed

    Hey guys, Have an emergency and need to set up a quarantine tank as soon as possible. I am 15 gallon short for my 30 gallon set up and I would love to buy some right now if your in the city or not to far out from the city. I don’t want to wait till tomorrow as I may lose some fish. Please PM...
  3. J

    Trigger System Sump Question

    Hello, All I ordered a new trigger system sump and received the box today and after unboxing and ensuring the sump wasn't cracked or anything I notice some major scratches. Anyone that owns the sump when you received did you also have scratches on the sump or should I call Trigger? Not sure if...
  4. J

    Reef Builder 48 Photon Mounting

    Hello, I just picked up a Reef Breeders 48 Photon light system and not sure how to mount this bad boy. Anyone else here has this light? Can you provide photos of how you currently are mounting it? I am thinking of getting 4 or 3 flower hangers to mount on the wall thoughts?
  5. J

    High Nitrate Still

    Hello, everyone I am still suffering from high nitrates and each time I add a new coral they end up dying even softies. Everything inside the tank already is doing fine guessing everything has adapted to the high levels. My tank size is a 90 gallon and I did a 35-gallon water change on Nov 13th...
  6. J

    Kole Tang patch marks

    So my Kole tang started to have white patch’s appear so I placed him in a QT and his been there for 8 weeks already and I treated the tank for ick and he is still healthy and active and eatting well thoughts on what it is or if it’s fine to add him to display tank?
  7. J

    Gurgling Overflow - Sun Sun Tank

    Hello, Guys I am trying to increase my current USA return pump but the highest level I can get to is about halfway before the overflow starts to gurgle. Any thoughts on how I can stop this from happening? I have a sun sun tank and its a unique setup when it comes to plumping. The outer blue is...
  8. J

    Help : Strange Water Parameters

    Hello, Everyone I did a 55-gallon water change to my 90-gallon tank on 10/15th and changed out my carbon and GFO. My skimmer wasn't working correctly but I have corrected it and now it's starting to skim better than before. I let the tank cycle for a bit and then did my water test last night...
  9. J

    QT: Kole Tang & FS: Tomini Tang

    Hello, I added a Kole Tang into my tank but looks like the Tomini Tang keeps messing with him and now he is stressing out. Does anyone have a QT setup that can house my Kole Tang which I would pay them for until I get rid of my Tomini Tang? Looking to sell the Tomini Tang for 40 OBO he is full...
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    Looking for Red Sea Serpent star fish

    Which local fish store has the best invert selection? I am looking for a red serpent star fish
  11. J

    SOS Ick outbreak HELP :(

    Sadly I go home today after work and noticed white dots on some of my fish fins and bodies. Right away I noticed that it was Ick. Unfortunately I don’t have any type of quarantine system set up and don’t want to lose my fish . Anyone have an quarantine system where I could place my fish willing...
  12. J

    Fish List for 90 Gallon Tank Thoughts?

    Here is the list of fish I plan to stock in my 90 gallon tank. Would love to hear your thoughts if they will work out or not. 1 Royal Gramma Basslet 1 six-line Wrasse (Already Own) 1 yellow Wrasse (Already Own) 1 Flame Angelfish 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish 1 Yellow Tang 1 Marine Betta 2 Snowflake...
  13. J

    Easiest Way to Mix Salt for 90 gallon tank

    I just finished pumping my 90-gallon tank which is now ready for RODI water but before I add the RODI water I will need to buy 90 gallons of RODI water (Don’t have RODI system :a17:) and then mix it with my red sea pro salt. My plan is to add the RODI water to the empty tank and then add the...
  14. J

    Best ATO system for innovation marine panorama

    I bought a smart ATO system for my innovation marine panorama but I didn’t want the magnet hanging on the side of my display and I was hoping I could hang the magnet on the back chamber but the ATO system is not working. I am guessing due to the black screen walls the sensor is unable to read...
  15. J

    What is this?

    Not sure what this egg looking thing is any thoughts?
  16. J

    Free Plant for planted tanks

    Hello, I have the following plant over growing in my planted tank which is ready to be termed and instead of throwing out the extras I would prefer to give to two members that would be interested in the plant for there freshwater tanks. I am located in Chicago in the Hermosa area if you are...
  17. J

    First Time Water testing

    Here are my water parameters for each of my tanks and would love to hear some advise in what I need to do to bring each item to the correct level. I know I am over due for some water changes. 32 Gallon Biocube Salifent: • Ammonia – 0 • Nitrite – 0.1 • Nitrate – 50 • Calcium – 480 • Magnesium...
  18. J

    Starting my first 90 gallon - Intro

    Hello everyone, My name is James and I live in Chicago, IL within the Hermosa area. I started my journey in the saltwater hobby around December of 2016 well I was living in Lexington, KY. I started off with a 32 Gallon Biocube as I thought this would be great size tank for a noobie in the...