Zoa/Paly Grow Out Contest: Pre-Planning


Well-known member
I'm in, or I have a cool green and purple paly that grows like wildfire with more than enough polyps. Whichever is faster!


New member
Alright :)

Working on arranging pick up of this colony - As well as getting the grow out set up. I will update everyone shortly, and/or start a new thread for the grow out.


New member
Things did not work out with the colony of AOGs - However, after talking with Jay he said he would be willing to sell his colony of Gobstoppers for the grow out. There should be 40+ heads therefore we should have plenty for anyone that would like to participate.

Jay should hopefully be dropping off the colony today so that it can aclimate - We should be fragging it Wednesday night and then allowing 1-2 weeks for the frags to full heal so that they are all happy and healthy.

More info to come / Posting of new grow out thread :)


New member
After discussing things with Jay, I will be purchasing a colony of Everlasting Gobstoppers from him tonight and....

Drum roll..........

Entry will be $15/person. Here is a link to them: http://www.exoticfrags.us/corals.php?&c=289 (I will post a pic of the actual colony when available)

Jay has been VERY Generous with reducing polyp cost so that everyone can participate. This is a steal and we would like to get as many people entered at possible!

I will be creating a new Grow-Out thread shortly with all the information. As well as working on trying to get some support from local sponsors.


Well-known member
Is that the price of the polyp, or the entry fee? That's a real low cost either way, and I'm all for increasing the cost a little to increase the payout!


New member
$15 entry fee, will roughly $10 per entry going to pay out. At 30 people that $150 for 1st. Should be over 40 polyps on the colony, so it can go up somemore. Although $20 entry would yield an even larger payout, we want it to be 'affordable' to everyone and have as many people as possible entered.