Poison Dart Frogs - my build and general info


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It's going to be a red eye tree frog and anole. We were going to do the dart frogs but will prob hold off and see how this one turns out

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Same thing I did, start with the easier species. Love the RETF, but not being a night owl I don't get to seem them active often.
Yea in college it was much different :( Now we don't really see him active at all. But the anole loves to go crazy so at least he is entertaining.
Right now it is just a 10 gallon, we had always wanted to get a bigger setup for them and will be able to with this next tank. this one is 12x18x24 I believe.


Premium member
Saw this video posted this morning. It goes into some detail about the leucs in the vivarium and why I chose them.



Premium member
Hi guys I bought myself a vivarium with 3 poison dart frogs. The get problem is that they are all three different species. They are starting to get bigger now and I will need to split them up ASAP and get them paired up. Do any of you have these types of frogs and are willing to sell me some?


I will post pictures of the build as I progress.View attachment 8707View attachment 8711View attachment 8712View attachment 8713
Those r cool frogs why u gotta split up me and my bro had dart frogs long time ago and mixed all dif kind seemed to be fine although that was a hobby we jumped in without research so maybe we just got lucky . Was thinking of starting another soon seen some cool ones at swap this weekend


What swap? Was is this past weekend or is it this coming up one, because maybe I can find some for myself. I don't want to mix them when they can breed because I don't want to create hybrids. I want to keep the bloodline pure, assuming it has been kept this far.


Premium member
What swap? Was is this past weekend or is it this coming up one, because maybe I can find some for myself. I don't want to mix them when they can breed because I don't want to create hybrids. I want to keep the bloodline pure, assuming it has been kept this far.
One just pasted on the 7th next one is 15th . Got ya though maybe they fight or something