Search results

  1. Spartanman22

    Wood CNC

    Anyone with access to a CNC for some wood work on a custom stand? I could probably use a router but it’d be a PITA. If anyone is able to or knows of a place to go please let me know! Still in the planning stages but trying to line up options. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Spartanman22

    Impressive Acros at ASD

    Check out these beauties at ASD. So who’s down for a group buy! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Spartanman22

    Spartanman22's Fluval M90

    Due to a losing battle with cyano, resulting in a mini-crash, and an upcoming move I have decided to retire the 80 gallon setup. I designed and setup that system with the mindset that my wife and I would be at our current apartment until we were prepared to purchase a home (3-5 years). However...
  4. Spartanman22

    NUVO 20 Lighting

    What do you guys think would be the best lighting option for a NUVO 20. Qualifications are that it has to look good and be controllable. Here are my current options: Radion Gen 2 XR30W Aqua Sanrise Plus R60 ReefBreeders Photon V2 Any suggestions or first hand experiences? Sent from my...
  5. Spartanman22

    Feeding a small Regal Tang

    I've got a small (1.5") regal tang in QT hats currently being treated with copper for suspected velvet. He has been reluctant to eat, and I've only seen him eat a few small pieces of nori. Any suggestions? I've tried mysis, brine, rods, and LRS all soaked in garlic. He shares the QT with a...
  6. Spartanman22

    New Life Ich Shield-Documenting my Experience

    So recently I've had an outbreak of velvet (99.9%) sure. Unfortunately I lost my two dwarfs, but rather than dwell on that I'll use this as an opportunity to grow my QT process knowledge and to re-asses my tank stocking. I am going to give the New Life Ich Shield a try for treatment. I've read...
  7. Spartanman22

    If you had to pick one SPS Vendor

    What are your guys' preferred sources for high end SPS? My current problem is that I like pieces from Battlecorals, TCK, SC, RMF, etc. but only have room for maybe half a dozen pieces. And it just seems silly to buy one piece from one place, another from a different vendor and paying so much in...
  8. Spartanman22

    Chloroquine Phosphate

    Does anyone locally have some spare CP. I need some ASAP. If so please let me know how much you want for it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Spartanman22

    UV setups

    I'm considering adding a UV sterilizer to my system, but have no prior experience with one. Any insight? Recommended brands, do's/don'ts, etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Spartanman22

    Injured Angel in TTM

    Since I'm moving to a new setup next week I wanted to run all fish through TTM and PraziPro prior to addition to the new tank. Unfortunately during my efforts to catch my Swallowtail angel, she swam right into the blue gig. Her whole right side was covered. She hopped right out and appears to be...
  11. Spartanman22

    GHL Doser Stir Plates

    Has anyone used these? I'm considering getting two of these to place under my Ca and Alk solutions and/or to use for coral food dosing. They seem pretty simple and at $49 aren't bad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Spartanman22

    LF local acrylic work

    Anyone local do any acrylic work? I'm looking to have a small two chamber ATO container made. I could do it myself but I'd rather pay someone else to! If you do acrylic work shoot me a pm. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Spartanman22

    Spartanman22's 80 DB

    I am now only 2-3 months out from being in our new apartment, so that means its almost time to make the switch to a bigger and better tank! Over the last 10 months I have been meticulously planning an upgrade knowing that I would be moving to a larger apartment this spring. As always, things...
  14. Spartanman22

    Racoon Butterfly

    Anyone seen any small Racoons in the west suburbs? I've got some softies and apstasia in my sps tank I'm tired of dealing with. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  15. Spartanman22

    Magnesium Dosing

    How many of you dose magnesium regularly? I rarely dose or test for magnesium. I dose calcium and alk regularly through my RKE and have manually added mag as needed. It seems I'm always on the lower end at about 1200 and am starting to wonder if that's why I never have much coraline. The BRS...
  16. Spartanman22

    Opinions on lighting

    I'm planning an 80 gallon build and was initially intending on doing a floating canopy with 2 × OR-T247s and 4 × 54 watt T5s. I currently use an OR-T247 on my 25 gallon and like it a lot so figured why not do the same again, but with a little T5 supplementation. I am following this design for...
  17. Spartanman22

    Opinions on Marine Pure

    I'm thinking of removing the sand from my fuge and adding some marine pure blocks. Does anyone have any success stories, tips, dos/donts, or warnings about this product? My goal is to provide additional surface area for the growth of nitrifying bacteria. Ideally if they work as advertised I...
  18. Spartanman22


    Anyone know where I can get an SL2 locally? Mine just bit the bullet and I need one asap. I'm leaving for vacation in 3 days. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  19. Spartanman22

    DIY 90 Gallon Reef Ready Acrylic Tank

    Last week my dad calls me and tells me he got 3 4'×4' sheets of 1/2" acrylic. So naturally my first thought is upgrade! I currently have the deep blue series 2 stand (48"×24") with an 18" cube and 18"×18"×8" frag tank. So this upgrade is designed to fit my current stand. The tank sits in my...
  20. Spartanman22

    Reef Radiance Starfire

    Has anyone seen the new Reef Radiance. If their functions work well they seem like they'd be great little economical leds. Remind me of like a double kessil.