Why do you think Trump will be a good POTUS?


Active member
Ugh. So sick of politics. Didn't expect to come on the site, and have it be here also. Imo, politics, and religion should be avoided on a "reefing" site. Nothing good comes of it. Someone needs to make this site great again.


New member
Heres my 2 cents

Tax Rates:
Many parents of my friends vote for Trump due to the fact that he will lower tax rates. Many of those parents are working class people that are tired that they have to pay such high taxes and not receive benefits from their taxes. That has been the biggest reason people in my area vote for Trump, my area has extremely high tax rates due to the school and some people are stretched paying them and then having to worry about college for their kids.

The Establishment:
The fact that Trump has shown himself to be a independent politician that won't be bought by people's opinion is a big factor too. People are sick of seeing politicians being puppeted by corporations and seeing their influence bought by a institution that goes against what they believe in.

About the protests and hate crimes:
I support voicing your opinion but the riots and racist graffiti needs to stop. Unless your protest is constructive and achieves something legally it probably isn't the way to voice your opinion. Also some people on both sides that i've met are uninformed about the two candidates positions which I see as a big issue when it comes to voting.

I am not of the age to vote, however if I was I would probably be in between, both candidates have their downfalls but both have messages that are appealing.


Premium member
Nobody is expecting Mother Theresa as the President. We just want a decent human being which we clearly did not get this election.
We got who we needed to get chit done and who can't be bought ... hillary 's agenda was to keep filling there bank accounts and screwing us with higher taxes, and destroying us from within ..
you;ll be happy when

Illegal immigration deportation is in full swing
Obummercare is abolished and health care and medicine is affordable again
ISIS is crushed
Drain the frigin swamp and get rid of the freeloading and crooked politicians

Gotta run out the door no not to Protest lol its beer time at Bulldogs alehouse :)


New member
ppl who voted for trump will be disappointed, if those same people start asking for facts.

trump cant lower taxes to a point that truly helps families earning under $100k. saving an extra $800 in taxes is nothing but trump will promote it as huge

if tax change is truly coming it will benefit the wealthy.

if trump supporters asks for facts after each announcement they will see that what he announces over the next 4 years is not so great.

effective promotion and facts are two different things.

after reading the attention grabbing headline, ask for facts.

if ppl do not seek out the facts trump will be the David Copperfield presidential edition.

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New member
I’m holding out hope that he goes after Hillary with prosecution, but not because I think she deserves it, because it will be the right precedent for the next administration to follow.

Trump promised to “drain the swap”, which he did, and ended up filling his administration with that swamp. The corruption and illegal activities are going to be YUGE! In four years and the new administration comes in, they will assign special persecutors throw everyone in the Trump administration in jail. Then they can jail all the war criminals from the Dubya’s administration, which Obama should have done in the first place – which will finally clean up DC.

In the end, Trump will get credit for cleaning up DC; but not for doing it himself, but by giving the Dems the roadmap and precedent to jail anyone who actually breaks the law from a prior administration.