Sawdonkey's 220 Thread


Premium member
I've had my current tank for about 6 months now but I want to do a better job of documenting my progress going forward. I'll start by doing an equipment and livestock list and then show some pics of how I got to where I'm at now. Then I can do a better job of documenting coral growth and general progress.

Current Equipment:
- 220 gal display with dual overflows. Bought used as an in-wall - converted to free-standing
- 75 gal sump with two chambers. (one for refugium, one for equipment/return)
- Two IT 2060 group buy LEDs
- Coral Compulsion fuge light (just got this yesterday)
- SKIMZ SM 201 skimmer
- Reefkeeper Lite
- Two Little Fishies reactors for carbon and GFO
- Reeflow Dart pump plumbed to a splashbar over the top with four outlets.

Current Fish:
- Emperor angelfish (Larry King)- Nearly an adult. I've owned for 6 months
- Picasso Trigger (Gary)- I've owned for 11 years
- Naso Tang (Soledad O'brien)- I've owned for about 5 years
- Niger Trigger (Al Roker) - I've owned for about 5 years
- Harlequin Tusk (Brian Williams) - I've owned for about 6 months RIP
- Lemonpeel Angel (Dianne Sawyer) - I've owned for about 5 years
- 2 Lyretail Anthias (Kathy Lee & Hota) - I've owned for 4 months
- Powder Blue Tang (Anderson Cooper) - I've had him for about 4 years

I've just started collecting corals in the last few months. So far my non-reef safe fish have been cool, but I'm starting off slowly for a while just to make sure. Here is what I have now, and it will probably stay this way for a while while I judge my abilities
- Green monti cap
- Red monti cap
- Scripps acro (colony)
- ORA green birdsnest (colony)
- Palmer's Blue Milli (frag)
- A couple of different encrusitng montis that I don't know the names of.
- Green hammer
- Toadstool leather
- Rose Milli (frag)
- Red Planet (frag)
- Some unknown blue acro colony
- ORA Spongodes
- A really terrible looking colony of frogspawn.
- Other unknown frags

I'll get some pics up tomorrow starting with my conversion from my old 90 gal fowlr to my current setup.
This is my old 90 Gal FOWLR. I got a 30 gal in college, upgraded to a 46 in college, moved to Chicago and got a 90 gal a few years later. I bought my 220 gal setup in November of 2012. Yeah, yeah, tang police etc.....don't worry, they're in a 220 now.

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This is my 220 right after I got it home. I used the previous owner's stand frame and had a skin and canopy made for it.

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Here is the canopy under construction. The front flips up and is held up by gas pistons.

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Here is what the setup looks like today:

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I'll get some livestock and detailed setup pics up over the next few days.
Here is a shot under the hood. As you can see, I had to add vertical pieces in the stand to cover the gaps in the woodwork. It makes it a pain in to get work done down there, but it's not too bad. I plan on redisigning the sump soon. I don't like the drain going the refugium and I don't like the skimmer in the return area because it send microbubbles into the DT......View attachment 17379

Here is some of the crew
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This is Larry King. I got him in November. He is almost a full adult now. This pic is from May. The white lines are completely gone now and the area around his mask has turned completely yellow.
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This is Anderson Cooper. Had him for about five years
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This is Soledad O'Brien. Had her for about 6-7 years
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This is Diane Sawyer. She is the biggest jerk in the tank. Larry King puts her in her place now and then.
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This is Gary, my 11 year old trigger. By FAR, my favorite fish.
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The only fish that didn't make it is my huge niger triger, Al Roker. Somehow he didn't make it into the photoshoot. Also, the tusk, Brian Williams, in one of the earlier pics just disapeared about a month ago. No sign of him.
Pics are nice , but in person this tank is awesome. Cool collection of fish , and the stand and canopy is really nice. Great work bud
The coral has really been taking off lately. I need to get some more flow going so my monti caps start to grow normally and for better overall growth. The idea is that the red and green monti caps will intertwine between the rock islands. I'm excited for this new turtle group buy to arrive.

My angels nip at coral from time to time, but that is just a fact of life for me. I'm not getting rid of either of them. I get really good polyp extension from everything except my digis and my spongodes.
I've also got a huge red-eyed crab in there that I can't catch. I've only seen him once, and he is at least an inch and a half or two inches wide. I've got a feeling he is responsible for my tusk's disappearance a few months ago. I've tried the pint glass trick with no success. Is it possible that this crab is also damaging my corals?
I've also got a huge red-eyed crab in there that I can't catch. I've only seen him once, and he is at least an inch and a half or two inches wide. I've got a feeling he is responsible for my tusk's disappearance a few months ago. I've tried the pint glass trick with no success. Is it possible that this crab is also damaging my corals?
Surprised the trigger hasn't gotten him yet. Nice tank!
Surprised the trigger hasn't gotten him yet. Nice tank!

Thanks. I also have about 20 or 30 red and blue leg hermits. I've never seen either trigger even acknowledge them. I just don't think it is in their nature to go after crabs. The niger is more interested in biting my hand than anything. He's drawn blood a few times.