What ive done to the fowlr


Premium member
saw little "Louie" yesterday and all I can say is....daaaaammmnnnn!!!!.....pix do NOT justice to how freakin' great a job you did MM....spoke with Wifey last night and she said she was kool with getting a cham for the kiddies....lol....
guess you be helpin to builds another master piece sometime in the near future...........brah..........

and gets some screening on that eggcrate before Rocky has a new toy to play with.....lol
Lol oh boy u have a new tank we can cut front glass off lol and his name is hudini he escaped again today lol but he only can go into the hood so no dog treat
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Premium member
How little is the guy and how big is the egg crate?
Standard egg crate im guessing hes not that small really didnt think he could squeeze through lol . I swear his head shouldnt fit but he does with ease few months and he wont but wtf to do in mean time . Only size menards carries ive seen smaller eggcrate but not sure where to get it


Premium member
Standard egg crate im guessing hes not that small really didnt think he could squeeze through lol . I swear his head shouldnt fit but he does with ease few months and he wont but wtf to do in mean time . Only size menards carries ive seen smaller eggcrate but not sure where to get it
Do you have any clear screen mesh laying around? You might be able to cover the egg crate with it for a few months.


Premium member
So since he liked to climb on egg crate i took out the egg crate he can go up but egg crate actually gave em more room to roam lol