Recent content by caragol

  1. caragol

    Professional Tank Movers Exist - or free 8' 240g reef tank?

    I'm not actually looking to move mine, but I may give it away for free to someone who could have it professionally moved rather than destroy it. It's a reef ready 240g 8' x 2' x 2' monster and it's glass, and it's in my basement. I know the nightmare it was getting it down there and that was...
  2. caragol

    Who's breeding clowns locally?

    It's been a while, new tank is up and cycled, looking to start with a couple of ocellaris perhaps. Nothing fancy, no onyx or snowflake, just simple clowns. Is anyone still breeding them locally?
  3. caragol

    Glass for sump cost

    I've got a clean 120 that I'm dividing and using for a sump, but the quotes for glass I've received seem sky high (cheaper to buy new tanks and cut apart). Any idea where to get cheap glass or know what I should be paying reasonably per 17.5 x 17.5 pane?
  4. caragol

    Any electricians out there willing to do a few hours of work?

    A few years ago, when I bought my 240 and started finishing my basement (in Plainfield) I stated up some framing and electrical. Sparky5785 helped me put in a lot of conduit, but basically after that I was unable to move forward for a while. I can't find him now to help finish up the...
  5. caragol

    Canisters for RO Unit

    So the clear plastic canisters on my RO unit got a bit brittle in my garage and I managed to smash a couple. Anyone know a good place to get new ones? Just the clear plastic housing where I'd put the sediment and carbon filters. Also, I've been gone for months... what's new?
  6. caragol

    Keeping an eye out for a DIRT CHEAP 125. OK to look awful.

    For a sump, I don't care if it's scratched up and has glue from old baffles... just needs to be stable and cheap. I was offered one for free from a friend that keeps freshwater, but the center brace was broken and reading threads on how to repair scared me a way a bit. So not so cheap that it...
  7. caragol

    Need to start thinking sump for my 240.

    I was thinking of something very basic maybe a 125g tank with some glass baffles? Three compartments, left side would be where water enters, plus skimmer. Flows to middle which is a simple chaeto/rubble fuge. Flows to smaller return chamber. The leftmost chamber with the skimmer is large...
  8. caragol

    Where do we buy netting for tank tops?

    Where can I find netting for the top of my tank to stop jumpy fish?
  9. caragol

    Pulled the trigger on the 240. OMG OMG OMG

    I did it, I pulled the trigger. 8' tank coming my way. Same dimensions as a 180, but with an extra 2 feet. It's a glasscages, of which I know there are varying opinions. Supposedly quality has gone up since many of the old complaints, but the owner is still a pain. We'll see. Regardless, I...
  10. caragol

    New glass or used acrylic?

    So some pretty good used acrylic deals have been pointed out to me, but I've never had acrylic. How long does it last compared to glass? Upsides, downsides? Looking at a 240 or bigger at the moment.
  11. caragol

    Larger tank purchase... where to purchase?

    So I'm looking to pick up an 8' tank. I was going to go glass, dimensions basically the same as a 180g but with an extra two feet of length (96 x 24 x 25, 240g). has one, and I know there are a lot of opinions on them (feel free to tell me yours). Does anyone local order 8'...
  12. caragol

    Thinking about a bigger tank... what am I in for?

    I'm thinking out loud here more than anything, but please chime in with advice or your own thoughts. I'm wrestling with going big here. I'm in my new house, and for the first time in my life I have a basement. There is plenty of room for a fish room. So naturally, that means big tank...
  13. caragol

    Need quotes to finish basement in Plainfield... know people?

    I'm in my new house but the basement is unfinished and I need to get that done before I upgrade my tank. Does anyone know people who do all or part of this? From just a drywall guy to a contractor who does it all that's cheap and reputable? -Anthony
  14. caragol

    Think you could keep a giant isopod as a pet? I figure that would make a pretty cool addition to a tank and they're not picky eaters... trick would be getting one. Might be a messy eater though, hard to keep the water clean. I had a horseshoe crab...
  15. caragol

    It's pretty much official, I'm moving from Naperville to Plainfield.

    On May 30th. So I need to figure out how to move a 29g glass tank w/ reef. Not drilled, no overflow, so that's easy. The rocks are just stacked... I can drain water into a Rubbermaid and put everything in that with a heater and a powerhead... but a friend offered to take the tank for a...