Search results

  1. Tkroll0321

    Help shipping

    Hey guys. I'm located up in the Gurnee area. I was wondering if there is anyone near by that ships. I have a couple high end pieces I might try auctioning off but will need to offer shipping. Just wondering if there is anyone close enough that could ship for me. Let me know. Thanks Tyler
  2. Tkroll0321

    Reef keeper saving the day/night!

    So last night while the last of the torrential rain was happening I found my (unfinished) basement flooded due sump pump not being on. A few weeks ago I had unplugged it due to a broken float switch and totally forgot about it. Luckily the switch was broken in the on position. I spent about...
  3. Tkroll0321

    Who makes their own food?

    Just wondering who out there is making their own fish food. I've seen many different "recipes" online but would love to hear first hand from any one who has experience. I currently have several packs of different frozen cubes. My issue is that I never need a whole cube of mysis for my tank...
  4. Tkroll0321

    65G DT+ 90 "frag" tank

    Well here goes. This set up has been a long time in the making but I'm finally getting there. This is my 65G DT. I originally had a 57g but the overflow was in the right corner blocking half of my view on that end. The 36x18 foot print is as large as I can fit in that space so when I found...
  5. Tkroll0321

    ReefKeeper SID V2

    Anybody near the Gurnee area have a reef keeper SID I could borrow? I just got one of my set ups going and am trying to update my firmware but my SID keeps saying it needs updated. I would only need it temporarily to get everything at least started. Thanks Tyler
  6. Tkroll0321

    Any website gurus on here? Help needed ASAP!

    Problem fixed. Mods please close
  7. Tkroll0321

    Corn Maze and Pumpkin Farm

    Well it's that time of year again so here is a discount I would like to extend to all Chicago reef members. My family owns and operates a corn maze and pumpkin farm up in Waukegan. It's a small family run operation that started 21 years ago as just pumpkins and expanded to the maze 12 years...
  8. Tkroll0321

    90gal Frag Tank Stock List

    I'm in the process of setting up a 90G frag tank currently. Was looking for some suggestions as to what fish and inverts I should stock it with. I will be stocking it lightly so if possible narrow down the fish to a top 2-4. The tank will be bare bottom but I'm not against putting a...
  9. Tkroll0321

    Stand and hood paint

    Just wondering if any one had any suggestions for paints or primers to use in my stand and canopy. I'm thinking that I want to do the canopy white to help with reflecting light. But I then want my stand to be black so my fuge light isn't bounced around as much. The stand is made with marine...
  10. Tkroll0321

    Jason Fox Memorial Day Sale

    Just wondering if anyone I thinking about making a purchase or two in his upcoming live sale? Would love to split shipping with a few people if others are interested. Even if you aren't buying who's gonna watch and drool?!? Anybody have fav pieces?
  11. Tkroll0321

    Happy Easter CR!

    Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Easter! Hopefully the Easter bunny brought you frag filled eggs. To those of you who don't celebrate Easter; Happy Zombie Pot Day!
  12. Tkroll0321

    65gal upgrade/build

    Well I never made a true build thread for my current tank so I figured I would make one to outline my switch from my current 57g to the 65g I just picked up. Also leaves room to hopefully ask for some advice along the way. Here is a pic of my current set up in the 57g Here is the new(to...
  13. Tkroll0321

    Tank switch tips?

    Hey guys thought I'd see if anyone has any guidance as I'm sure many of you have been through something of the sort. Recently I decided I was going to build a matching stand and canopy for my 57g tank. I am still in the process of doing that but the idea sparked a fire of upgrading some more...
  14. Tkroll0321

    Giving Back

    Hey CR many of you might not know me as I've only been around for a little while but I saw my chance to give back a little and I'm doing it. My family owns and operates a corn maze and pumpkin farm up in Waukegan. It's a small family run operation that started 21 years ago as just pumpkins and...
  15. Tkroll0321

    Adding small frag tank off DT ideas

    Just wanted to see if anyone had any brilliant ideas for attaching a small frag tank to my DT. It's nothing I'm ready to build this instance as I need to finish (and start!) building the new custom stand and canopy for my tank before I start anything new. Here is a poorly drawn picture of...
  16. Tkroll0321

    iPhone sometimes work

    Here's a cool pic of my frogspawn that I snapped after a little work on the tank today. Sometimes the iPhones lack of white balance makes for some cool pics! Thought I'd share! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  17. Tkroll0321

    Intro and Tank set up

    Hi guys finally have started finding some time to really read on here and hopefully start posting some questions. Wanted to start off introducing myself. My name is Tyler I'm from Waukegan and this is my first attempt with a reef tank. I've done FO a few years back and a good amount of fresh...